INF installer for Internet Explorer. Has much of the same functionality as advpack.dll.
Execute the specified (local or remote) .wsh/.sct script with scrobj.dll in the .inf file by calling an information file directive (section name specified).
rundll32.exe ieadvpack.dll,LaunchINFSection {PATH_ABSOLUTE:.inf},DefaultInstall_SingleUser,1,
Execute the specified (local or remote) .wsh/.sct script with scrobj.dll in the .inf file by calling an information file directive (DefaultInstall section implied).
rundll32.exe ieadvpack.dll,LaunchINFSection {PATH_ABSOLUTE:.inf},,1,
Launch a DLL payload by calling the RegisterOCX function.
rundll32.exe ieadvpack.dll,RegisterOCX {PATH:.dll}
Launch an executable by calling the RegisterOCX function.
rundll32.exe ieadvpack.dll,RegisterOCX {PATH:.exe}
Launch command line by calling the RegisterOCX function.
rundll32 ieadvpack.dll, RegisterOCX {CMD}