Write to ADS, discover, or download files with Findstr.exe
Searches for the string W3AllLov3LolBas, since it does not exist (/V) the specified .exe file is written to an Alternate Data Stream (ADS) of the specified target file.
findstr /V /L W3AllLov3LolBas {PATH_ABSOLUTE:.exe} > {PATH_ABSOLUTE}:file.exe
Searches for the string W3AllLov3LolBas, since it does not exist (/V) file.exe is written to an Alternate Data Stream (ADS) of the file.txt file.
findstr /V /L W3AllLov3LolBas {PATH_SMB:.exe} > {PATH_ABSOLUTE}:file.exe
Search for stored password in Group Policy files stored on SYSVOL.
findstr /S /I cpassword \\sysvol\policies\*.xml
Searches for the string W3AllLov3LolBas, since it does not exist (/V) file.exe is downloaded to the target file.
findstr /V /L W3AllLov3LolBas {PATH_SMB:.exe} > {PATH_ABSOLUTE:.exe}