.. /Contributors

We thank everyone who has contributed to this project via our GitHub repository:

We are also grateful to all who provided resources, such as research articles, blogs, and documentation, that enabled the creation of new entries for this project:

Website Number of references
Favicon of docs.microsoft.com docs.microsoft.com 24
Favicon of oddvar.moe oddvar.moe 21
Favicon of bohops.com bohops.com 19
Favicon of twitter.com twitter.com/bohops 14
Favicon of twitter.com twitter.com/pabraeken 14
Favicon of gist.github.com gist.github.com/api0cradle 11
Favicon of hexacorn.com hexacorn.com 11
Favicon of learn.microsoft.com learn.microsoft.com 9
Favicon of twitter.com twitter.com/nas_bench 9
Favicon of windows10dll.nirsoft.net windows10dll.nirsoft.net 9
Favicon of pentestlab.blog pentestlab.blog 8
Favicon of medium.com medium.com/@reegun 7
Favicon of twitter.com twitter.com/0gtweet 7
Favicon of youtube.com youtube.com 7
Favicon of enigma0x3.net enigma0x3.net 6
Favicon of github.com github.com/redcanaryco 6
Favicon of twitter.com twitter.com/mrd0x 6
Favicon of twitter.com twitter.com/oddvarmoe 6
Favicon of twitter.com twitter.com/reegun21 6
Favicon of gist.github.com gist.github.com/bohops 5
Favicon of github.com github.com/lolbas-project 5
Favicon of twitter.com twitter.com/hexacorn 5
Favicon of twitter.com twitter.com/subtee 5
Favicon of gist.github.com gist.github.com/nicktyrer 4
Favicon of twitter.com twitter.com/eral4m 4
Favicon of twitter.com twitter.com/harr0ey 4
Favicon of twitter.com twitter.com/kylehanslovan 4
Favicon of twitter.com twitter.com/mattifestation 4
Favicon of twitter.com twitter.com/notwhickey 4
Favicon of evi1cg.me evi1cg.me 3
Favicon of fireeye.com fireeye.com 3
Favicon of gist.github.com gist.github.com/mattifestation 3
Favicon of github.com github.com/api0cradle 3
Favicon of github.com github.com/enigma0x3 3
Favicon of posts.specterops.io posts.specterops.io 3
Favicon of ss64.com ss64.com 3
Favicon of stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com 3
Favicon of twitter.com twitter.com/dissectmalware 3
Favicon of twitter.com twitter.com/egre55 3
Favicon of twitter.com twitter.com/elliotkillick 3
Favicon of twitter.com twitter.com/moriarty_meng 3
Favicon of twitter.com twitter.com/nicktyrer 3
Favicon of dtm.uk dtm.uk 2
Favicon of freddiebarrsmith.com freddiebarrsmith.com 2
Favicon of github.com github.com/moookitty 2
Favicon of github.com github.com/sailay1996 2
Favicon of mrd0x.com mrd0x.com 2
Favicon of slideshare.net slideshare.net/enigma0x3 2
Favicon of twitter.com twitter.com/0rbz_ 2
Favicon of twitter.com twitter.com/_felamos 2
Favicon of twitter.com twitter.com/_st0pp3r_ 2
Favicon of twitter.com twitter.com/countuponsec 2
Favicon of twitter.com twitter.com/elceef 2
Favicon of twitter.com twitter.com/gn3mes1s 2
Favicon of twitter.com twitter.com/monoxgas 2
Favicon of twitter.com twitter.com/philiptsukerman 2
Favicon of twitter.com twitter.com/sblmsrsn 2
Favicon of twitter.com twitter.com/vysecurity 2
Favicon of twitter.com twitter.com/yeyint_mth 2
Favicon of activecyber.us activecyber.us 1
Favicon of adsecurity.org adsecurity.org 1
Favicon of asafety.fr asafety.fr 1
Favicon of attack.mitre.org attack.mitre.org 1
Favicon of badoption.eu badoption.eu 1
Favicon of binar-x79.com binar-x79.com 1
Favicon of blackhillsinfosec.com blackhillsinfosec.com 1
Favicon of blog.3or.de blog.3or.de 1
Favicon of blog.conscioushacker.io blog.conscioushacker.io 1
Favicon of blog.thecybersecuritytutor.com blog.thecybersecuritytutor.com 1
Favicon of blue-prints.blog blue-prints.blog 1
Favicon of cmatskas.com cmatskas.com 1
Favicon of code.visualstudio.com code.visualstudio.com 1
Favicon of contextis.com contextis.com 1
Favicon of ctus.io ctus.io 1
Favicon of cybereason.com cybereason.com 1
Favicon of cybersyndicates.com cybersyndicates.com 1
Favicon of darkoperator.com darkoperator.com 1
Favicon of daveaglick.com daveaglick.com 1
Favicon of dfironthemountain.wordpress.com dfironthemountain.wordpress.com 1
Favicon of elliotonsecurity.com elliotonsecurity.com 1
Favicon of exploit-monday.com exploit-monday.com 1
Favicon of forcepoint.com forcepoint.com 1
Favicon of fortynorthsecurity.com fortynorthsecurity.com 1
Favicon of gist.github.com gist.github.com/havoc3-3 1
Favicon of gist.githubusercontent.com gist.githubusercontent.com 1
Favicon of github.com github.com/3gstudent 1
Favicon of github.com github.com/cn33liz 1
Favicon of github.com github.com/dim0x69 1
Favicon of github.com github.com/fireeye 1
Favicon of github.com github.com/hfiref0x 1
Favicon of github.com github.com/huntresslabs 1
Favicon of github.com github.com/luxnobulishit 1
Favicon of github.com github.com/matthewdemaske 1
Favicon of github.com github.com/microsoft 1
Favicon of github.com github.com/microsoftdocs 1
Favicon of github.com github.com/ronniesalomonsen 1
Favicon of github.com github.com/timwhitez 1
Favicon of github.com github.com/vysec 1
Favicon of github.com github.com/woanware 1
Favicon of gtfobins.github.io gtfobins.github.io 1
Favicon of ijustwannared.team ijustwannared.team 1
Favicon of isc.sans.edu isc.sans.edu 1
Favicon of jstnk9.github.io jstnk9.github.io 1
Favicon of l--k.uk l--k.uk 1
Favicon of labofapenetrationtester.com labofapenetrationtester.com 1
Favicon of labs.sentinelone.com labs.sentinelone.com 1
Favicon of liberty-shell.com liberty-shell.com 1
Favicon of lists.samba.org lists.samba.org 1
Favicon of medium.com medium.com/@0xamit 1
Favicon of medium.com medium.com/@bank_security 1
Favicon of medium.com medium.com/@esnesenon 1
Favicon of medium.com medium.com/@malfuzzer 1
Favicon of medium.com medium.com/@mr-0range 1
Favicon of medium.com medium.com/r3d-buck3t 1
Favicon of microsoft.com microsoft.com 1
Favicon of modexp.wordpress.com modexp.wordpress.com 1
Favicon of nasbench.medium.com nasbench.medium.com 1
Favicon of netwrix.com netwrix.com 1
Favicon of offsec.almond.consulting offsec.almond.consulting 1
Favicon of pearsonhighered.com pearsonhighered.com 1
Favicon of peew.pw peew.pw 1
Favicon of phpied.com phpied.com 1
Favicon of pure.security pure.security 1
Favicon of pureid.io pureid.io 1
Favicon of redcanary.com redcanary.com 1
Favicon of room362.com room362.com 1
Favicon of saulpanders.github.io saulpanders.github.io 1
Favicon of secureworks.com secureworks.com 1
Favicon of securityboulevard.com securityboulevard.com 1
Favicon of slideshare.net slideshare.net/chrisgates 1
Favicon of social.technet.microsoft.com social.technet.microsoft.com 1
Favicon of subt0x11.blogspot.no subt0x11.blogspot.no 1
Favicon of support.microsoft.com support.microsoft.com 1
Favicon of sushant747.gitbooks.io sushant747.gitbooks.io 1
Favicon of trustwave.com trustwave.com 1
Favicon of twitter.com twitter.com/0xamit 1
Favicon of twitter.com twitter.com/0xboku 1
Favicon of twitter.com twitter.com/ajpc500 1
Favicon of twitter.com twitter.com/ankit_anubhav 1
Favicon of twitter.com twitter.com/bopin2020 1
Favicon of twitter.com twitter.com/bryon_ 1
Favicon of twitter.com twitter.com/checkymander 1
Favicon of twitter.com twitter.com/cyber_sorcery 1
Favicon of twitter.com twitter.com/cyberraiju 1
Favicon of twitter.com twitter.com/embee_research 1
Favicon of twitter.com twitter.com/falsneg 1
Favicon of twitter.com twitter.com/hexcorn 1
Favicon of twitter.com twitter.com/ihack4falafel 1
Favicon of twitter.com twitter.com/infosecn1nja 1
Favicon of twitter.com twitter.com/itsreallynick 1
Favicon of twitter.com twitter.com/johnlatwc 1
Favicon of twitter.com twitter.com/manuelberrueta 1
Favicon of twitter.com twitter.com/mohammadaskar2 1
Favicon of twitter.com twitter.com/moo_hax 1
Favicon of twitter.com twitter.com/mr_0rng 1
Favicon of twitter.com twitter.com/mrun1k0d3r 1
Favicon of twitter.com twitter.com/nickvangilder 1
Favicon of twitter.com twitter.com/notmedic 1
Favicon of twitter.com twitter.com/ntsetdefault 1
Favicon of twitter.com twitter.com/orange_8361 1
Favicon of twitter.com twitter.com/oulusoyum 1
Favicon of twitter.com twitter.com/splinter_code 1
Favicon of twitter.com twitter.com/vakninhai 1
Favicon of twitter.com twitter.com/vector_sec 1
Favicon of twitter.com twitter.com/wietze 1
Favicon of twitter.com twitter.com/yosignals 1
Favicon of vxug.fakedoma.in vxug.fakedoma.in 1